Dental veneers for teenagers has become a popular procedure in Los Angeles and other big markets.

It’s not uncommon to have misaligned teeth during teenage years, but not all cases are severe enough to require braces. There are many cases where alternative procedures to traditional wire and bracket straightening make more sense.

Cosmetic dentistry techniques can help align crooked teeth and improve speech without orthodontic treatments that may take years to complete.

Veneer Overview For Teens

You might have heard adults talking about their veneer treatments, but this treatment option is becoming more popular with teens, especially in Los Angeles. For those who are not familiar with the procedure, veneers are thin ceramic caps that are bonded to the surface of the teeth, typically in the front. Veneers look like natural teeth and can help teens who may suffer from:

  • staining or discoloration
  • misshapen teeth
  • teeth that are gapped or misaligned

Teens Who Make Good Candidates for Veneers

Veneers can be an excellent alternative to orthodontic treatment that can take years to complete. They are a good option for teens who want to correct the following issues:

  • slight gaps between teeth
  • misshapen teeth
  • teeth with pitting or unattractive grooving
  • teeth that are misaligned (not overly crowded)

Dental veneers may be a great treatment option for some teenagers, but not all teens qualify for them. If your teenager has issues with tooth decay, missing teeth, or infected roots, an extensive dental treatment will be required first.

Benefits of Veneers for Teens

There are several benefits to choosing porcelain veneers over conventional orthodontic braces that may prove to be a better fit for your teen, including:

  • Beautiful white, natural-looking smile
  • Immediate results within only two dental visits
  • No metal brackets
  • Ability to brush and floss properly
  • No risk of stuck food staining teeth

How Teens Get Veneers

When you and your teen decide that cosmetic dentistry is a good option, you will typically need to attend two appointments to complete the process.

First appointment: In the first visit to your cosmetic dentist, your provider will take impressions of your teen's mouth and begin preparing the teeth for the bonding of the veneers. The impressions are sent to a lab where the veneers will be constructed to create your child’s smile in the design they are looking for. To prepare the teeth, the dentist must remove a small portion of the outer enamel for the bonding of the veneers to take hold efficiently.

Second appointment: It will take the lab two weeks to finalize the veneers using the molds and design requirements. When the veneers are completed, you and your child will return to the office for bonding. Using a durable dental adhesive, the dentist will securely place the veneers on the surface of the teeth for an instantly beautiful smile. Your child can walk out of the office in less time than it takes to bond brackets, without the burden of uncomfortable metal in their mouth.

Recovering From Veneers

Your teenager will not experience the irritation that metal braces can cause, but they may experience some temporary sensitivity after veneers are placed. These side-effects typically subside within a few days and can be treated using over-the-counter pastes and rinses.

Though there are not as many diet restrictions with veneers as there are with preventing metal brackets from breaking, it is still encouraged for teens to be careful about what they eat directly after the veneers have been placed, just to ensure the bonding is successful.

Start with a Consultation

To explore your options, start by making a consultation appointment with your preferred cosmetic dentist. They will perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine if veneers are a suitable procedure for your teen or if orthodontic treatments are required. Veneers are no longer only for adults and celebrities anymore. Explore this less expensive, and less intrusive cosmetic dentistry option with immediate results.

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