Invisalign costs in Los Angeles can range from $1,000 to around $8,000—as an industry standard. The exact cost of Invisalign in each case depends on several factors, including:

  • How many trays you need

  • The cost of dental office appointments

  • Additional costs, including dental imaging

  • Other dental treatments you choose to have done

Usually, your cosmetic dentist will give you an approximate timeline and a rough estimate of how much your individual treatment will cost at the initial consultation. Armed with this information, you can then research payment options for your life-changing Invisalign treatment.

Number of Invisalign Trays

The Invisalign system provides an alternative to traditional metal braces by aligning your teeth gradually with a series of aligners. The number of aligners you will need and the length of time you will need to wear them are the two most influential factors in your total Invisalign treatment costs.

Minimal Correction: $1,000-$3,800 (Industry Average)

The lowest Invisalign costs generally apply to people who only have a couple of teeth that are affected by crowding, gaps, or general misalignment. These kinds of cases may only require five to 10 aligners, and the entire Invisalign treatment could be completed in as little as six months.

Moderate Correction $3,800-$5,500 (Industry Average)

Most people who seek treatment with Invisalign braces require moderate correction with Invisalign to straighten teeth affected by crowding, gaps, and/or mild jaw misalignment issues. Most cases of Invisalign treatment require up to 24 aligners and take one to two years to complete.

Extensive Correction $5,500-$8,000 (Industry Average)

People who need extensive orthodontic treatment will pay higher costs than mild and moderate cases because of the higher number of Invisalign trays and a longer total treatment time. Very severe crowding and TMJ misalignment may require additional treatments, including tooth removal or even a period of time with traditional braces before invisible braces can be used.

Additional Aligners

Finally, additional aligners may need to be added to your Invisalign treatment if you don't wear your aligners consistently and your teeth shift back out of place. These additional aligners can increase your Invisalign costs and draw out the length of your treatment.

Dental Clinic Appointments

Apart from the aligners, the cost of Invisalign treatment is influenced by the number and cost of dental clinic appointments. As each cosmetic dentist sets their own rates for office visits, this is a cost that can vary significantly from one location to another.

As you would expect, more complex dental needs, more aligners, and a longer treatment time go hand in hand with a larger number of office visits. When comparing Los Angeles Invisalign providers, it's a good idea to ask whether the quote you're given includes office visits or not.

Additional Costs

There are invariably additional costs involved in orthodontic treatment—whether you opt for Invisalign treatment or traditional braces. These costs—sometimes referred to as "hidden costs"—can include:

  • 3D scans

  • Appointments (if not included)

  • The clear aligners (if not included)

Very low quotes for Invisalign treatment may not include the cost of appointments or even the cost of your Invisalign aligners. That's why it's essential to ask exactly what is included and any other expenses you might incur.

Other Dental Treatments

For many people, orthodontic treatment is part of a smile makeover rather than a standalone procedure. If your goal is a radiant, beautiful smile, you may choose to add other cosmetic dentistry procedures to your treatment plan, such as:

  • Zoom! laser teeth whitening

  • Periodontal treatments

  • Porcelain inlays and onlays

  • Porcelain crowns and bridges

  • Dental implants

Generally, dental implants are added after the Invisalign treatment is complete (because the implants are fixed in place and don't shift), so you can finish paying the treatment costs of Invisalign before needing to pay for the cost of implants.

How to Pay the Invisalign Cost in Los Angeles

The cost of Invisalign can seem like a lot up front (especially if all of the costs are included in the quote), but the beautiful smile you'll have at the end will be priceless. Fortunately, there are several ways to soften the cost of Invisalign treatment so you can get started right away.


Many dental insurance providers will contribute to Invisalign treatment costs just as they do for regular braces. While the exact percentage or cap for coverage varies from one provider to another, some insurance companies will cover 25-50% or $1,500-$2,000 of the total cost.

Payment Plans

Payment plans don't reduce the amount you pay, but they make the total more accessible by spreading it out over time. Some Invisalign providers in Beverly Hills, for example, offer in-house payment plans or partner with companies like Care Credit to offer patients loans with low monthly payments for a period of up to five years.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

If you have a flexible spending account, you may be able to use pre-tax dollars to pay for Invisalign treatment. In especially complex cases, the tax savings could be significant. Before going ahead, it's best to check the terms and conditions of your FSA and plan your payments for maximum benefit.

A Life-Changing Investment

Whether you end up paying an Invisalign cost of $2,000, $3,500, or $7,000 in Los Angeles, the results can have a significant and lasting impact on your confidence, career opportunities, and oral health. 

For the best results with Invisalign, be sure to follow your treatment plan and choose an experienced cosmetic dentist to oversee your Invisalign treatment. In the end, you’ll have a smile that you can be proud to display.

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