The cost of a smile makeover can range from a few hundred dollars to $100,000 or more. The final cost depends on multiple factors such as your current oral health and severity of existing issues.

A professional Beverly Hills smile makeover can give you a whole new level of confidence and transform your career, so it’s worth becoming familiar with the dental procedures involved, their costs, and how the makeover can be adapted to your budget.

The following cost estimates of a smile makeover are based on industry averages and are not intended to reflect the costs of procedures administered by Dr. Glosman. At our facility, all costs are dictated by the condition and needs of the patient and may vary. 

Cost of Periodontal Treatments

Before launching into cosmetic procedures, your cosmetic dentist will perform a thorough professional dental cleaning and assess the health of your teeth and gums. Gum disease, in particular, can lead to tooth loss if left untreated, as well as problems like cardiovascular disease and even premature birth in pregnant women. 

Professional Dental Cleaning

In a professional dental cleaning, the dentist will remove the buildup of plaque and tartar along the gum line. This cleaning typically involves the use of a scaler, high-powered electric brush, and special gritty toothpaste, followed by a fluoride-containing liquid rinse, fluoride gel, and/or fluoride varnish for long-lasting protection.

The average cost of a professional dental cleaning is $150 to $300.

Scaling and Root Planing

The next level of tooth-cleaning, if needed, is scaling and root planing. These procedures involve scraping above and below the gum line to remove plaque and smooth the root of the tooth. This procedure is performed with a local anesthetic to reduce discomfort, and medications may be applied in the gum pockets—this is known as “active periodontal therapy.”

The cost of scaling and root planing averages around $140 to $300 per quadrant and up to $75 (per tooth) for active periodontal therapy.


Periodontal surgery is required in some cases and will increase the cost of your smile makeover. Common gum surgeries include flap surgery, bone grafts, guided tissue regeneration, soft tissue grafts, and proteins.

Depending on what is needed, periodontal surgery may cost anywhere from $500 to $10,000.

Price of Veneers, Crowns, and Bridges

Porcelain dental crowns, bridges, and veneers are the next stage in a smile makeover and where things really get exciting. Pioneered by Hollywood dentist Dr. Charles Pincus and perfected by modern dentists like Dr. Arthur Glosman, veneers are used to cover uneven, discolored, and unsightly teeth—giving you a beautiful smile that you can proudly display. 

Porcelain Veneers

A porcelain veneer is a thin ceramic shell that is bonded permanently to the front of your tooth after the natural enamel is shaved down. Dental veneers cost an average of $925 to $2,500 per tooth or $10,000 to $40,000 and upward for a full set of veneers. Most people invest in a maximum of eight veneers to cover their visible front teeth. In many cases, the procedure can be completed in as few as two to three dental visits. 

Note that healthy teeth are required for cosmetic dentistry procedures like veneers, so they might not be right for you if you have severe underlying problems with your oral health. 

Porcelain Crowns

A porcelain crown is a cap that is placed over teeth that are weak, fractured, or sensitive due to dental fillings. Rather than covering only the front of the tooth, a crown fits over the entire tooth and provides strength along with a natural appearance.

Crowns typically cost $1,000 to $3,500 per tooth and last for 10 to 15 years.

Porcelain Bridges

Like a crown, porcelain bridges cover the existing teeth and provide structural support where needed. However, instead of covering only one tooth, a bridge covers several teeth in a row at a slightly reduced cost per tooth.

A typical bridge costs $700 to $1,500 per tooth in the bridge and lasts for 10 to 20 years.

Composite Bonding

Sometimes, it’s possible to improve a patient’s smile with a minimum of porcelain additions. In the case of a chipped tooth or a small cavity, the tooth can usually be restored with a small amount of composite resin.

The cost of composite bonding varies from $100 to $1000 per tooth, depending on whether anesthesia is used.

Cost of Dental Implants

One of the biggest contributors to the total price of your smile makeover will be the cost of dental implants. Dental implants replace missing or unsalvageable teeth with a porcelain crown attached to the jaw bone via a titanium metal post and abutment. The total cost per dental implant—including the placement of the post, abutment, and crown—averages around $3,000 to $4,500 per tooth. Implants look just like natural teeth and can last a lifetime, which is why they’re among the premier treatment options for missing and damaged teeth and other major dental issues. 

Bone Grafts

In some cases, a bone graft may be necessary before a dental implant can be installed. A bone graft can cost between $400 and $1,200 with a third-party material or $2,000 and above using bone that is sourced from another part of your body, such as your hip.

The Cost of Invisalign

Invisalign is an innovative system that straightens crooked teeth without the use of traditional braces. In the Invisalign system, the patient wears a series of 20 to 30 custom-made aligners that gradually shift the teeth into position over the course of a year or less. The average cost of Invisalign is $3,000 to $7,000.

Teeth Whitening Cost

The final smile makeover cost is the smallest, but perhaps the most satisfying. After correcting structural and oral health issues and before adding veneers, a laser teeth whitening treatment whitens uneven and discolored tooth enamel with blue LED light-accelerated energy and a specially formulated peroxide gel. The Zoom! treatment costs around $500, including take-home trays for ongoing maintenance.

How Many Smile Makeover Procedures Will I Need?

Your personalized smile makeover cost will depend on how many—and which—restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures you need. For example, if your teeth are healthy and straight, you might only need whitening and veneers. However, if you have a gummy smile, misshapen teeth, misaligned teeth, teeth that are heavily stained from smoking and coffee, or even missing teeth, the work required will be much more extensive.

Your goals, budget, and the preferences of your dentist will also affect the number of restorative procedures (and final cost) of your smile makeover. For example, you might decide to apply only a minimum of veneers or use a porcelain bridge rather than a dental implant. The choice of materials (cheap resin vs. high-quality porcelain) will also affect the final cost.

How to Pay for Your Smile Makeover

While some of the procedures included in a smile makeover are necessary for your dental health, others are purely cosmetic dentistry treatments. Paying for cosmetic dentistry procedures is usually not an option offered by dental insurance plans. Most insurance companies do not cover the cost of teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants, or Invisalign.

For the portion of your makeover not included in your dental insurance coverage, you can usually negotiate a payment plan to smooth out the up-front smile makeover cost. Always ask about your financing options ahead of time. Alternatively, start with the most necessary procedures like cleanings and gum treatments and more affordable cosmetic treatments like whitening. Our Beverly Hills cosmetic dentistry office excels at helping patients to access payment options that are manageable and affordable.

How much is a smile worth? For some people, restoring their smile with a smile makeover is the key to regaining their sense of confidence. For others, it could transform their career. Whatever your smile goals, the cost of a smile makeover treatment plan can be tailored to your needs, and the end result is truly priceless.

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